Rain Water Harvesting Company
Water is the base of all life on our planet. But unfortunately, our water sources are getting increasingly polluted or dried up. The best way to overcome such a catastrophe is by making good use of the rainwater. Rainwater harvesting is the most sustainable and efficient way to preserve water. We, at Kelachandra, are professionals when it comes to the technique. We provide reliable service and use modern methods for rainwater harvesting. This makes the market leaders in many areas like Pathanamthitta and Trivandrum. One of the best methods employed by our firm for rainwater harvesting in well recharging.
Well Recharging
Well recharging method is one of the best ways to increase the underground water table. Usually, during monsoon seasons the wells and ponds in Kerala get enough water and are naturally recharged. But with the global climatic change, monsoon rains have reduced considerably leading to scarcity of water during summer seasons. Hence we have to rely on rainwater harvesting procedures.
Kelachandra is one of the best rainwater harvesting agency that you can rely on for this process. As a company renowned not just in Pathanamthitta and Trivandrum but all over Kerala, we assure quality service to our clients
Our Rain Water harvesting Action Plan

In well recharging process, water from the roof of the house is directed to a tank using conveyance pipes. The tank is used as a filter by filling it with gravel, sand, and so on in layers. The filtered water is supplied to the well using another pipe.
Kelachandra, the best well recharging company, uses high-quality tanks and pipes and employs seasoned professionals for installation. Hence we can guarantee reliable and long-lasting service to our customers.
Well recharging is one of the best methods of rainwater harvesting. It is preferred by most experts due to its perennial benefits. They are:
1. Can send runaway water to the ground
Depending on the soil profile and the geographic location, a perfectly installed well recharge system can send millions of liters of water to the ground. If not used thus the water will just go to rivers and ultimately end up in the sea.
2. Raises underground water table
The technique increases the level of the water table. This will result in the filling up of nearby ponds and wells.
3. Ensures year-round water availability
When the underground water level rises, water gets stored there and thus becomes available even during scorching summer.
Customer feedback is a reliable source for information to other customers and simultaneously helps us to grow with your needs.
Rain Water harvesting Portfolio
Rainwater Harvesting
Compact Design
Classic Half Round design which helps easy flow of and easy installation
Best in Quality
Gutters Manufactured with fine quality PVC.
Acceptable Prizing
Finest Quality Products with minimum cost.